I found these in a box the other day and decided that I wanted to do something different with them. They were originally all black. Who doesn't like a little color in their life? This fun print was the perfect solution to cover up the old pen holders.
Here are the steps to recreate this project.
1. First I measured between the two silver edges where I wanted my paper to cover the old black.
2. Cut the paper so it fits this width.
3. I wrapped the paper around the container to determine how long the paper will be. I didn't really have to cut much off the paper was the perfect length to start with.
4. Place a little bit of Mod Podge on the container and line up the paper with that spot. Allow to dry for a few minutes.
5. Work slowly by placing a little bit of glue on at a time that way if you mess up you can peel it back and start again.
6. When paper is all glued down on the container allow to dry over night.
7. The next day cover the entire container in Mod Podge allow to dry again.
8. Cover with another coat of Mod Podge.
9. Enjoy your new pen/pencil holder :)