Thursday, November 11, 2010

I-pods in the classroom

I like the idea of using I-pods in the classroom. I feel that they would be useful to help students who have issues concentrating. It can also be used to help students who have issues taking tests. Instead of reading out loud, each student can listen to the test at their own pace. The teacher can then go around and help each student individually instead of worrying about having to help everyone at once. The I-pod can be used for students who are more visual learners. The lessons can be transferred to a movie or something that students can watch so that they can learn the lesson easier for them. Then if they have are having problems grasping the lesson they can re-watch the lesson. This can be very beneficial so that the teacher can spend time helping more than just one student. There is lots of new research that shows that is a good thing in the classroom. Here is a link that shows the benefits of using the I-pods in the classroom.

Picture taken from by Dan Taylor

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