Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Google Docs

When we did the lecture about collaboration and organization, I did not know that Google offered the Google Docs application to help support collaboration. I found it very interesting that you could use that to work on projects outside of class with other people without ever having to leave the home. This would have been so useful in high school if I had known about this. This collaboration tool will be great because it will help students work together even if they all can't meet at the same time. I find that this is going to be very useful because each time I've done a group assignment it has always been very difficult to work around everyone's schedule so that we could meet and work on an assignment. Then after working on it we'd have to plan the next time a lot of the work would have to be done outside of group meetings and it was always a pain to email the project to everyone in the group. I cannot wait to explore Google docs more as a collaborative tool.

Picture retrieved from by rxau

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