Friday, October 18, 2013

Woodworking Crafts

This blog was originally created as an assignment for a college class.  I have decided to create this blog to post crafts that I have created, nail designs, and ideas for the classroom.  My first post is going to be about woodworking crafts my fiance and I have completed together, he creates the item and I paint it.  Together we make a pretty great team.  Since I do not have templates or tutorials for these I have decided to post them all at once.

This was created for some family friends to hang on their door.

Snowman we created for a family member.  I used a toothpick to do the finer details such as the lines on the mittens and the snowflakes.

Bunny rabbit created for Nick's grandma.

This was created based on an inspiration from a woodworking magazine.  The background is suppose to be sunset in the mountains.

These were created for a friend for her daughter, a q-tip was used to create the pink polka dots.

One of the first projects we did, a googly eye was glued onto one side.

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