Friday, October 18, 2013

Canvas Crayon Art

This post is an about different canvas art that I have tried.

This was a different approach to crayon art that I decided to try. 

Below are directions to recreate this project: 
1. Glue on the crayons (I used cheap dollar store crayons they work just as well as Crayola) to the top part of the canvas.
2.  Under the crayons paint the background any color of your choosing with acrylic paint and let dry.  I used purple because it's my favorite :)
3.  Once the paint has dried place letter stickers over the background where you want your text to be.
4.  Paint over the stickers and the background with black acrylic paint (or whatever color you choose).  I chose black because it covered up the paint and I thought the crayon would show up better.
5.  After black paint has dried start melting the crayon with the blow dryer.  I just followed a tutorial I found online, it recommended using the blow dryer on low heat I did it on high which caused the splatter effect instead of the nice drip you see on most of them.
6.  After the crayon has hardened remove letter stickers.  I had problems with this when I pulled the sticker up it wanted to pull the entire line of crayon as well so I used an exacto knife to help me without pulling off all of the crayon.  
7.  Spray the canvas with a waterproof sealer.
8.  Hang on the wall and enjoy!

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