Friday, October 18, 2013

Canvas Art

After reading the Harry Potter series again I was feeling a little bit down about it all ending.  I wanted to create a piece of artwork that would commemorate my favorite quote from all the books.  This tutorial is very similar to the crayon art canvas without the crayons.

Below are directions to recreate this project: 
1. Paint the background any color of your choosing with acrylic paint and let dry.  I used a variety of colors in a diagonal pattern because I was curious to see what it would look like.
3.  Once the paint has dried place letter stickers over the background where you want your text to be.
4.  Paint over the stickers and the background with black acrylic paint (or whatever color you choose).  I chose black because it covered up the paint and I thought the colors would show up better.
5.  After the black has dried remove letter stickers.  I
6.  Spray the canvas with a waterproof sealer.
7.  Hang on the wall and enjoy!

Here is another example that I tried with an apple background instead of the rainbow background.

This was made for my cooperating teacher,  I used an actual apple as a stamp for the background.  Then I took stencils and stenciled each letter of the quote onto the canvas using a permanent marker.

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