Friday, October 18, 2013

Claypot Alligator

This past summer I worked at the Blank Park Zoo as a Camp Counselor.  Every day we had to do a craft with the kids.  Here is one of the crafts that we did with them.  It was a lot of fun. But some assembly required ahead of time.

Materials Need:
Small clay pots (2 for each project)
Green paint
Yellow paint
Green foam
White foam
Googly eyes
Small Styrofoam balls
Hot Glue Gun
Small piece of rectangular cardboard

The first time we did this project we didn't hot glue anything together.  I would recommend hot gluing the clay pots together, the eyes on top and the small piece of cardboard to the bottom to keep it from rolling away.  We also used regular craft paint I would recommend using acrylic paint it would stick better. The paint is slowly chipping off of my example.

1.  Glue the claypots together with a piece of cardboard on the bottom to keep it from rolling around.
2.  Paint the entire thing with green acrylic paint.
3.  Cut out two triangles for the tail.  Glue at one end of the clay pots curve them around so that it forms a tail shape.
4.  Paint the styrofoam eyeballs if you want.  When dry glue onto the clay pots.
5.  Glue on googly eyes onto the styrofoam balls.
6.  Glue on foam teeth cut out of white foam.

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