Friday, October 18, 2013

College Subway Art

I am on Pinterest a lot so I find lots of ideas that I really like but I can't always recreate them myself I find easier ways to make the ideas that I like. I had seen this college subway art on Pinterest but it was on canvas.  I did not want to go through a lot of effort to putting it on canvas.  Next best idea place them into picture frames.  Here is the directions to recreating this project.

1.  Find the logo that you want.  Obviously since these are college teams I used the college team logos.
2.  Find the text you want.  I pick out text that described these teams.  I found a lot of these ideas on Pinterest a simple search of your favorite football team would probably yield ideas of what you could use.  I typed these into a Word document and adjusted the font size and fonts to create a unique look.
3.  On a separate page place the team logo.
4.  I went to Hobby Lobby and bought a clear overlay scrapbook paper.
5.  Print out the art, the logo should be on regular printing paper but the text needs to go on the clear overlay paper.  That way the logo can be seen under the text.
6.  Place into a frame of your choice and you have your very own piece of artwork.

Here are the pins where I found the inspiration for the wording:

Here are links to some of the subway artwork I have created.  Feel free to download by going to my Etsy Shop please give credit to me.

Husker Artwork:
Iowa State Artwork:
Ohio State Artwork:
Hawkeye Artwork:
Alabama Artwork:

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