Friday, October 18, 2013

Picture in a Puzzle

I made these for my sister who was turning 2 at the time I made them.  I wanted to put pictures under them because I had an inspiration from Pinterest.  The link to the blog I found is here.  Since she was turning 2 I thought that was a little too old for the peg board puzzle and I wanted this to be something she could use for years to come.  I took old photos leftover from my scrapbooking project.  What I really liked about this project was that the puzzle pieces were wooden which made it easy to trace the pattern onto the pictures.  

Here are the directions for creating this project.

1.  Remove all pieces from the puzzle.
2.  Take the photo you want to use and place one puzzle piece over the picture you want to use.  
3.  Trace around the piece (I used a permanent marker).  
4.  Cut out the picture in the shape of the piece.  I recommend keeping the picture with the piece you traced so it does not get mixed up.
5.  Cover the back of the puzzle board with Mod Podge (I used Matte Finish).
6.  Place pictures onto the puzzle board in the correct order.
7.  When all pieces are in place and dry cover the top side of the puzzle with more Mod Podge.
8.  Allow to cure for a day or  two before giving the gift.
9.  Place puzzle pieces over the pictures wrap and give as a gift!

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